Tag Archive | ylvis iii



V: My name is Vegard Ylvisåker, your name is…
B: Bård Ylvisåker.
V: Together we’re…
B: A force of nature.

Bård + Ylvis III (x)

Vegard + Ylvis III (x)

Now I’m just trying to find more to download! Do you know where I can find some?

*do* i?????  lol

yeah of course:  http://oneneckedswan.tumblr.com/tagged/full+episodes

—publishing for anyone else who might need links too – all credit to lundsdotter (and fuckyeahylvis for 1×04!)—

[i don’t think 1×07 is there because emma had to take it down to save memory or something(??)]


if someone could upload ylvis III w/commentary i’d translate it