Tag Archive | bardosaurus

bardosaurus: Ok, so I’ll keep this short and sweet!  These lovely human beings/blogs are precious beautiful snowflakes that you should all invest your internet time in. You’ll only regret it a little. ✿The Essential Collection:✿ ~ vegardosaurus ~ mini-mosca ~ captainmander ~ a – f ✤ aaroncrosss alohomorayourmind andsaywhatyoufeel brofistingcamsprite christinemachine90 commanderstilinski finnweber fuckyeahylvis  g – l ✤ gingerhaze hamstervegard homemadetoivaska jeremy-ruiner kellysue lettiebobettie m – r ✤ maur33njos3phin3 merrylittleplatypus mishasminions oneneckedswan reagan-was-a-horrible-president s – z ✤ scarlettartemis seductivegard shannan423uuuhshiny widowsledger ylvisbilder ylvisinenglish  […]



NYC Ylvis book signing meetup – Let us know if you wanna join!!

That’s a great idea; i probably wont remember to write it down but here is what Vegardosaurus and I look like


Vegardosaurus is sad because she has a final that evening and won’t be able to meet up with everyone/ go to the second signing (let us laugh at her misfortune bwahahaha… no it is sad. much sad. such disappoint)

I will 100% have that scared confused look on my face. do not be alarmed.

We’ll be getting into Penn Station just prior to 8:30am! 

christinemachine90: Haha I should be pretty noticeable, I have dyed red hair (look at my icon for reference) and I will be wearing a red peacoat. If you see me on the line just punch me and I will know you are from Tumblr. No but seriously, say hi if you see me cuz I should stand out and I don’t know what anyone else looks like lol. I plan on getting there around 10. I don’t know, is that too late? I’ve never been to one of these before! Ahh and is the meetup after in front of the NY library still happening? If so, when?”


haha awwww, sorry vegardosaurus!! 

i look like this – FAIR WARNING — AS YOU GUYS KNOW IT IS 12AM, AND I AM IN THE MIDST OF DOING MY LAUNDRY, AND I JUST WASHED MY FACE (hence the glasses and no make up though tbh i always wear my glasses and i hardly ever wear makeup anyway) SO BE KIND!

*spongebob voice* i am ugly and i am proud

christinemachine90, i will definitely call you out if i see you, and if you don’t reciprocate i will probably curl up in a ball of embarrassment.  no pressure.

I don’t know what’s too late either… I’m gonna try to be there as early as possible, I guess?  (Also I’ll be with another lovely lady who isn’t actually even that familiar with Ylvis but is awesome and will understand our insane geekery.)  Maybe we’ll check out the bookstore to see how hopping it is then go grab some breakfast and come back – it sounded like from queensjenn’s description that it was kinda quiet?  Like, I don’t think we’re walking into a JK Rowling kinda thing.  Then again, who knows – it’s New York.

And if we don’t see each other at the signing, we should definitely still meet up at the library!

NYC Ylvis book signing meetup – Let us know if you wanna join!!





NYC Ylvis book signing meetup – Let us know if you wanna join!!

… maybe we could meet in front of the NY library? that’s 42nd and 5th. idk, what do you guys wanna do? are we just gonna meet up after the signing and grab coffee or something? take an ylvis family christmas photo? haha

New development, there is a…

Reblogging for any stray New Yorkers.

I didn’t know they were doing 2 signings!!! I have to check with the people I’m going with but i’d def be down for doing both!

I’d like to do the the NY library and coffee thing right after B&N and then maybe a regrouping somewhere before the 2nd signing later in the day?

maur33njos3phin3: Going to both!!!”

well now if *everyone* is doing both then i feel like i should too!  i wouldn’t wanna miss out on potentially becoming best friends with bard and vegard and showing them around the city!!

so we need a signal or something… or just some idea of what each other actually looks like, i guess?  (sorry if this sounds creepy, open to other suggestions!!)

and alexis95ag – i think i’m already gonna have 3 books signed, haha, but if we *could* get one (but please don’t get your hopes up cuz i don’t wanna make any promises that i’ll have the confidence to ask them to sign more than 1 book in reality), what would you want them to write?

NYC Ylvis book signing meetup – Let us know if you wanna join!!



… maybe we could meet in front of the NY library?  that’s 42nd and 5th.  idk, what do you guys wanna do?  are we just gonna meet up after the signing and grab coffee or something?  take an ylvis family christmas photo?  haha

New development, there is a second book signing at 6pm at Books of Wonder. Are any of you planning to go to that one as well? If so maybe we could meet up before that one and head over together? Just a suggestion. If not coffee after the first one could work! No idea how timing is going to work with all this lol.

i don’t think i’m gonna do both, but i’ll definitely shoot for the 12 pm at b&n – you guys still doing that one?

Drunk!Bård from Part 1