Archive | January 2014

{this is my way of replying to a reply on my phone}
thanks, Emma! “nisse” translated to “Santa” on google translate, and “nusse” (the next closest thing I thought it could be) was “darling”, so I guessed that nisse was the best option since Santa is kind of magical…
now I’m curious to know what a nisse is exactly, haha. is it a creature from Norse mythology or something?

this isn’t important for anything, i’m just intrigued: what does bård say in energidama around 4:30 that the bookies’ translated to “likeable gnome”?

my extremely vague familiarity with the sound of the language makes me hear something like “sympatisk nisse”(??)

and whatever he says, did they translate it well, or did he mean something else?

sometimes i get this urge to write a song to the tune of Fabolous’s “throw it in the bag” instead entitled “throw it in the tag”  as a sort of tumblr PSA about comments that really should be contained to the tag section…

because that’s often what i sing in my head

it’s just a pet peeve of mine, sorry.  *no offense*


Magnus gets TAMAK’d.

What if Tamak was a tumblr thing: people would post random photos of meat and just write “TAMAK” under it xD

i’m not sure what’s funnier: the absolute absurdity of this game in general, the fact that they just placed a giant metal cabinet in front of this door without trying to conceal it AT ALL, poor magnus’s almost unresponsive reaction, or the boys scrambling away and vegard hiding behind a car…

alexfisherson: [x]

I don’t get it! x

i think my favorite part about norges herligste is how sweet and sincere the boys are – however bizarre the person they’re interviewing is, it never feels like they’re laughing at them… i know that they might literally laugh at something they consider strange, but it never feels malicious

and then at the end they always give the person a lovely little summary

they don’t conceal their reactions, yet they are also never intentionally hurtful and they never put the person down.  they also always give the person their full attention

i feel like if this were adapted for the US, lazy producers would so easily cast that one straight man who just sort of frowns and looks in the camera all the time as if to ask the audience “can you believe this bullshit?” but then covers it up so the person they’re interviewing doesn’t see.  (those kind of shows that make the audience feel superior to other people seem to be really popular with us)

where as ylvis are really open with the person – if they think something’s weird, they’ll say so, but they still embrace them and try to enjoy their company.  they sort of treat it as a different culture and just jump right into the lifestyle headfirst.  they’re just really tolerant and warmhearted and you feel like they’ve made a connection with nearly every person they encounter

they just judge the person on how nice they are, rather than what kind of weird shit they collect or make or do.  example: Femtitallsmannen “kjøret går!” or Rollespillmannen “i’m prince charming” vs. Evighetsmaskinen or Sykkelpsykiateren…

ylvis come as they are and just sort of hang out, and sometimes it’s chill and other times it’s awkward, but it’s never awkward because of the boys’ attitudes.

at least i don’t think so.